We’re worshiping in person (with social distancing) for both our morning and evening services. As you gather, please keep the following in mind:
We ask that you remain home if you’re experiencing a cough, fever, runny nose, etc. or if you’ve been exposed to the coronavirus. We also aslo those who have health conditions that place them at risk to exercise extreme caution in coming to worship.
If you elect to remain at home, we’ll continue to provide family worship resources. Scripture readings and the sermon will be recorded and the audio uploaded directly after the worship service.
As you come to worship, please limit any fellowship/gathering to outside the church building and with social distancing. We advise you to wear a suitable face-mask upon entering and exiting the building. You can remove it once seated.
Certain pews will be roped off to allow for proper distance between families in worship. Children are to remain with their families.
Bathrooms will be opened, but the remainder of the building will be closed to aid in cleaning and sanitizing.
The building will be cleaned and sanitized before and after worship. Also, once everyone has entered the building, various surfaces will be sanitized (handrails, door handles, bathroom fixtures).